There are few better ways to spend your day than out on the water. It is because of this that most people have a tendency to rush through their launching process. However, while you can’t wait to feel the wind through your hair and spray on your face, you should avoid hastening through this process. By taking the time to do things the right way, you can greatly reduce the risk of anything going wrong. Furthermore, you will be able to have peace of mind all day. So, on this note, here is what you will need to do:

Conduct a Quick Check

Remember, if you don’t want your trip interrupted by some issue or the other, you will need to conduct a check on each of the important elements. To start with, make sure that you have collected all of the boat supplies that you will need. This includes safety gear, an extra (filled) fuel tank, tools, and a first aid kit. After this, it is a matter of checking all of the winches, windlasses, lifelines, turnbuckles, shroud terminations, and anchor rode. Then, ensure that all of the electronics are in working order before moving onto the engine and drivetrain. Sure, this may take a bit of time but it will be well worth it in the end.

Examine the Water’s Edge

Even the most experienced boaters have a tendency to forget this step. Nevertheless, once you have gotten to the docks, it is important to take a look at the water’s edge, where you will be launching your vessel. Although many places strive to keep their spaces clean and free of debris, this isn’t always the case. So, unless you want something to get tangled up in your propellers or scratch the side of your vessel, this is a check that you should always conduct. It is especially important if you notice that the docks are quite crowded or if there have been many people launching and retrieving their boats.

Load the Boat at the Top of the Ramp

Another important tip is to not wait until the last minute to start loading the items into your vessel. Quite a few people wait until they are at the bottom of the ramp before they start packing things in. Doing this won’t just take more time, it is likely to irritate anyone waiting behind you as well. So, do everyone a favour and handle this task ahead of time.

Have Someone Else Monitor Your Movements

One of the trickiest aspects of launching is often before the vessel is even in the water. This is because moving the boat down the ramp can be difficult for anyone to manage, even a seasoned sailor. So, if you are backing up a trailer and vessel, have a friend or family member stand at the end of the ramp. In this position, they will be able to let you know when the boat has entered the water and how much further you need to go.

These are all excellent pointers to keep in mind before launching your vessel. Make it a point to follow these instructions and you will find that you have no problems at all.

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